(Start from the beginning)
(…continued from Log Entry 8)
Note to Reader: I apologize for the short break in the adventure, sometimes the call of RL just can’t be ignored… I hope you enjoy this one! 🙂

Let’s go see what everyone else thinks about ‘Choppy’. It’s certainly the kind of thing that can get a guy noticed in this neon waste. Running on mostly adrenaline, I latch ‘Choppy’ onto my arm, and head over Scrapton’s commercial district.
I’m certainly not disappointed by the reactions I see. People stare in awe, or maybe fear, but at the end of the day, either way they are going to remember me. This is exactly what I was hoping for (and expecting, to be honest).
As I reach the commercial district, I am greeted by my robot “friend” (the one I had ‘modified’ earlier). A few quick instructions sends my old mechanical buddy off to fill my water supplies.
First things first, time to stop by the mission board and collect my reward. While they count out my coin, a new mission catches my eye, a diplomatic mission to a few other settlements. While I’m not entirely sure where the two other settlements are, I know where one is. I mean, how hard can one more be to find? Settlements are huge, right?
Next stop is the general store for equipment repair. As I wait for my gear to be restored to full functionality, I peruse the shelves. It all looks useful, but one item stands out to me, a lucky horseshoe! While I tend not to be the most superstitious type, I’m not about to say no to some extra luck. A little luck at the right time can make the difference between life and death!
Finally, I need some medical attention before I head back into the wild. Only one place for that in Scrapton, Dr. Felgoede’s neon sign isn’t hard to miss. For a nominal price, he patches up my wounds, then offers up a Pre-War Enhancement Shot, promising that it will give me an extra edge. I’ve seen lots of people use these, and no one has had an adverse reaction yet (unless you count the bleeding eyes guy, but I still think I’m missing some pieces of that story…).
After the first shot, the doc was right. I feel great! Knowing full well that you can NEVER have too much of a good thing, I immediately buy a second. The second one gives me the spins, nearly causing me to vomit. It’s short lived, but extremely disorienting and uncomfortable. Still, once that fades, I feel tougher, but I’m going to be done with shots for today.
My robot friend is waiting for me outside the doctor’s office with all of the water I can carry. I’m really glad I ‘altered’ its personality! Good to go! I decide to head south in search of a new settlement. I’ve got a job to do after all!
As I reach… (continued in Log Entry 10)
Round 3 Start: Consume 1 Water Ration to recharge Actions to 4.
Round 3: Action 1

Visit Settlement at Scrapton. Scrapton has a Robot Assistant as an available Companion, which allows the player to make use of its abilities while performing the Visit Settlement Action.

The four Locations (normally three, but +1 from Robot Assistant) visited are the Water Supplier (1 Credit to refill all Water Rations), Mission Board (turn in completed Mission for reward, draw 2 Missions and select one), General Store (repair Items for the repair cost listed on the bottom right of each Item) and the Doctor (1 Credit to heal all Wounds and purchase Lucky Horseshoe for 3 Credits).

Round 3: Action 2

Move Action heading south to the edge of the map (enabling exploration)

Neon Dawn is available to play now on both Tabletop Simulator and Tabletopia, so please check it out if it looks interesting!

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