(Start from the beginning)
(…continued from Log Entry 7)
Remain calm, and reroute the powered armor’s emergency power supply to the legs, set the lock on the arms, turn off the safety regulator, and FULL POWER! The ground around me begins to shake as the powered armor begins to force through it, as if it were a thick fluid rather than solid. Alarm bells are sounds and the gauges are pushing well into the red! The armor begins to vibrate with greater and greater intensity, until is violently shaking, then it all stops.
I’ve broken free! Wow! I am incredibly happy right now that I know this armor like the back of my hand! Nothing like some life or death gambling to get the adrenaline ramped up! Being alive is an outstanding development!
Given some time to cool, the gauges return to the safe zone and the alarms go silent. The adrenaline runs its course, leaving me feeling battered, bruised and somewhat vulnerable. And by battered and bruised, I mean hanging onto life through mostly sheer willpower. It’s probably time to head back to Scrapton.
I manage to drag myself back to town and climb out of the powered armor. Fortunately I don’t panic, and have the foresight to send the powered armor off to buy and sell salvage before I collapse.
I awaken from my ‘nap’ to my armor holding the last piece I need for my chainsaw arm! My vigor renewed by this prospect, I quickly assemble the components. The finished product is beautiful to behold. I spend a few minutes mastering the functionality, then decide it needs a name.
“You will be called ‘Choppy’ from this day forward.”
‘Choppy’ is a wonderful tool, but I can already see that when he gets angry, he is going to get thirsty (and we’re not talking about water, ‘Choppy”s preference are a bit more… organic). People are going to notice ‘Choppy’!
Let’s go see what… (continued in Log Entry 9)
Round 2: Action 4
Move back to Scrapton (inner 7 hexes). Action Counter is moved from 1 to 0.

Round 2: Companion Visits 1 Location at Sienna Compound (for 1 Water Ration)
A yellow and blue salvage cube are sold. Yellow is sold for 2 Credits at Sienna Compound (the yellow Settlement). Blue is sold for 1 Credit at Sienna Compound (any other color, except white). A white salvage cube is purchased for 3 Credits (white cubes always cost and sell for 3 Credits).

Schematic 12 – Chainsaw Arm is completed and the salvage used to complete it is placed back in the salvage draw bag. The Schematic is flipped over and becomes and Item that can be used. A player gains 1 Fame for completing a Schematic in addition to the Item.

End of Round 2.
Neon Dawn is available to play now on both Tabletop Simulator and Tabletopia, so please check it out if it looks interesting!

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