(Start from the beginning)
(…continued from Log Entry 3)
I’ll stop by later, but for now there is plenty of unknown over yonder. I can’t help but take a look when the potential for fame and fortune could be just over that next hill. Pressing forward into unexplored territory, I hear the quiet babble of water. At least I thought I did…
After spending a bit of time searching for the sound, I wasn’t able to pick it up again. Feeling a bit discouraged, now seems like a great time to break out that trail mix. As I eat, I slide the survival guide out that I had snagged on the way out of town. This issue features the identification and location of potential water sources in the wasteland. Certain things are just meant to be!
With a bit more care and a lot more knowledge, I scour the area until I hear the muffled babbling sound of water once again. There’s a small crack in the ground, and the sound seems to be emanating from within. With a bit of digging, I uncover an underground stream! The water is surprisingly clean, and drinkable. When the settlements hear of my discovery, and name it in my honor, my legend will continue to grow!
With another achievement under my belt, perhaps it’s time to… (continued in Log Entry 5)
Round 1: Action 3 + Free Action
The Scout Action uncovers a Map Tile with a Spawn Point on it (18). One Event card is drawn, or scouting player may choose to spend 1 Water Ration to draw one additional Event card, then select which Event to attempt. The other is discarded. “Water Source?” with a Survival Check 12 was selected. (Go big or go home, right?)

One Water Ration is spent to add a d4 to the d10 being rolled for Survival. The first roll is a FAIL, so a Luck Token is consumed to roll again. The reroll is also a FAIL. With no ability to reroll, the check is failed, but no consequences are listed outside of the Action required to attempt the Event again.

Trail Mix is consumed for an extra Action, used to attempt the “Water Source?” Event once again. Another Water Ration must be spent to add a d4, and the roll comes up 8. By consuming the Survival Guide as well (+4 to a Survival Check, even after rolling), the target of 12 is hit and it is a PASS. Reward is 1 Fame, 1 yellow ring and fill Water Rations.
Action Counter on Player Board is moved from 2 to 1.

Neon Dawn is available to play now on both Tabletop Simulator and Tabletopia, so please check it out if it looks interesting!

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