I had passed a towering skyscraper in the distance on the trek out. It must be from before the Great War, and probably isn’t particularly stable. Perhaps not the safest place to investigate, but I can’t help but wonder what treasures may lay within. I must know.
As I approach the tower, I can plainly see that it has already been scavenged. There is not an item of value in sight, but perhaps out of sight? I’m not about to leave empty handed, so I grab my trusty crowbar, ‘Snap’, and proceed to open up the walls. It’s hard, thirsty work, and ironically ‘Snap’ almost snaps in the process, but I am able to find some wiring that has not been plundered, and well, plunder it!
There is quite a bit of wire to be found, and I end up with a nice haul, and of course, a story tell back in the Pub. I’ll likely embellish a bit when I share it though. There will definitely be a lot more excitement!
I suppose now it is off… (continued in Log Entry #3)
Round 1: Action 1

Investigated Point of Interest #16 (PoI #16) adjacent to player pawn. A d20 was rolled when directed to on tab 16 of the Adventure Book (for PoI #16). Only option presented for the number rolled is the Survival Check 8.
Spend 1 Water Ration to add a bonus d4 to the roll. First roll of 7 is a FAIL, but the Crowbar Item is damaged (smoke cube placed on it) to reroll any Survival Check. Second roll is 9 and is a PASS. The reward is 4 salvage and a player always receives a yellow ring for successfully Investigating a Point of Interest.
An explored map tile is placed over the hex that was just investigated.

A cube is placed on the ‘1’ on the Starter Mission “I Like Shinies!” for Investigating a Point of Interest.
Action counter on Player Board is moved down from 4 to 3.
Neon Dawn is available to play now on both Tabletop Simulator and Tabletopia, so please check it out if it looks interesting!

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